Sep 16, 2014

Introducing … Maria’s Musings!

Meet our lead designer – Maria Mendoza. She’s five feet of pure mischief, and is famous for having the best laugh in the office, if not the entire universe.

Maria handles a ton of our creative and digital design needs, and since we’re often so inspired by her talents in the office, we decided to feature them on our blog too!

Watch this space each month for Maria’s Musings  … thoughts, ideas and inspirations from the desk of our favourite creative curator.

Hey! I’m Maria the lead designer at YellowHouse Agency. I’ve been with the company for just a little over a year.

I’ve been coding, doodling, and digitally creating since I was 9, but I could never pick favourites on which style I like most.

This month, I’m practicing my illustrations and I’m always inspired by textures when drawing.

I really wanted to challenge myself by drawing hair because I’ve never been able to draw it before (or even tried). And what hairstyle could be more challenging than a waterfall braid.

This was a great exercise in understanding light, shadows, and how both work in layers.

Title: Arch & Point
Materials: Graphite on paper
