Apr 04, 2011

March 2011 Grail Noble Article in Women’s Post

Grail Noble was recently published in Women’s Post Magazine giving advice to entrepreneurs who are just starting out. Her advice – Be Bold and Love your Entrepreneurship! Always go back to the exact moment you decided to go out on your own – your bold move – and remember what the it felt like, the sense of freedom and excitement. Remember what your vision was then and hold true to it as you grow. She also cautions that being bold does not mean being pushy. Being bold means being creative. Looking for solutions to “no” and really listening to why you were told “no” so that you can come back with the “what if”.  That is how the best business deals are made and growth is achieved! [Women’s Post is a magazine designed for professional women, reaching more mid to high income professional women per issue in Toronto than the Globe and Mail, The National Post or Toronto Life.]