Oct 21, 2013

We made the list!


When you work for an events agency, you learn to love lists. Venue lists, food lists, guest lists, playlists, to-do lists, you name it, we’ve got a list for it.  So nothing feels better than to see our own name on lists like Profit Magazine’s Greater Toronto’s Fastest Growing Companies list, coming in at number 21.  You can check out the full article here.

As we compulsively check our calendars for our next meeting, event, or client date, it can be easy to overlook just how much we’ve accomplished as a team, a business, and an agency that delivers results. So we’re going to take 21 minutes today to celebrate, in true Yellow House style. With Sangria, cookies, and a lot of laughs. If you’re in the neighbourhood, stop by. We’ve always got extras.
