May 19, 2016

#YHELifeHack #4 Event Kit Must-Haves

“To be prepared is half the victory.”
–  Miguel de Cervantes.

We have to agree with Mr. Cervantes here. At every event we ensure there’s a packed “event kit” ready at our fingertips! We typically like to have our event kit in a suitcase on wheels, so that we can literally roll into town, hop in and out of cabs, check it in on flights and be prepared for anything..

Aside from the obvious items for any event kit like: pens, sharpies, staplers, scissors, hole puncher and lots of tape (duct and scotch – not the beverage type – the tape type),  here are some of the more interesting and unexpected items we never leave The House without:


  • A portable Printer with the right paper and ink [coloured and black & white ink
  • Batteries [of all types]
  • Safety Pins [in case of “wardrobe malfunctions”]
  • Extension Cord(s)
  • USB(s)
  • Bandages and first aid supplies  [events can be dangerous]
  • Hand Sanitizer and Tide-to-Go [events can be messy]
  • Screen wipes
  • Kleenex
  • Tylenol or Aspirin [events can go to your head]
  • Fresh socks, ballet slippers and insoles [to help us think on our feet]
  • Mints [avoid coffee and doritos breath from those skipped meals and long hours]
  • Our new fav polaroid insta-camera [to keep us smiling]
  • An SPro by ZTE [this pocket sized projector can add last minute signage anywhere]
  • Dongle [yes, this word makes us giggle too, but when your speaker shows up with an incompatible  computer, it’s always good to have a convertor handy]
  • And most importantly…caffeinated snacks! [Awake chocolate bars are our “go to”]

What are your event kit must-haves? Tweet us at @YellowHouseTO or show us on instagram @YellowHouseEvents
