Dec 01, 2017
We like ‘Coffee Ripples’ a latte

If it hasn’t been made clear yet, the team at Yellow House loves a good cup of coffee. Many of us can’t deny a latte run mid-day to the nearest café in the Distillery, it’s one of the many things our team bonds over. Although some get a latte because they genuinely need a good caffeine-kick to power through a crazy day, others get one because of the fancy latte art barista’s make on top (the perfect opportunity for the in-house social media addicts to Tweet or Instagram).
Many of us can agree most of the photos we see on social media of latte art consist of leaves, bunnies or hearts. Don’t get me wrong, these are charming and still beat an art-less latte by a mile, but the repetition makes us less inclined to talk about it with others because the novelty has worn off. Notice how millennials are on the lookout for something others haven’t posted on social media?
This is where Coffee Ripples enters, with all its uniqueness (inner me feels giddy!) A coffee machine developed by Steam CC, an Israeli startup, with the ability to make any image or personalized greeting on top of your latte or cappuccino. This machine combines 3D and inkjet-printing technologies with “Ripple pods” containing an extract made from coffee beans. A barista creates a latte or cappuccino as they normally would and then places it underneath the Ripples machine and voila! You’ve got yourself a social media-worthy cup of Joe.
Preset photos and greetings on the machine are available, however, those who are looking to personalize their drink can download the Ripples App, upload their own image and have that printed on their coffee.
Naturally, I went and got the Yellow House logo printed on mine. This made me think…how neat would it be to have this type of latte art at an event?! What better way to draw attention to a company or organization than to have someone post a photo of a branded latte on their social channels?
The Coffee Ripples machine can be found in various coffee shops and is available for purchase online. Something worth considering for your next event to “wow” your guests!
Written by: Adrianna Dyczkowsky